Kandiyohi County, Minnesota

The cemeteries listed below are arranged by township and/or city location and include location by section number. For additional information about burial dates and surnames, contact the Kandiyohi County Historical Society, 610 NE Highway #71, Willmar, Mn., 56201. The following information provided by the Kandiyohi County Historical Society, A Guide to Cemeteries in Kandiyohi County. The Heritage Searchers of Kandiyohi County, P.O. Box 175, Willmar, Minnesota 56201-0175 (a genealogical society) also has a countywide index to cemetery transcriptions.

The Tombstone Transcription Project has certain transcribed cemeteries in Kandiyohi County listed here: http://usgwtombstones.org/minnesota/kandiyoh.htm

Coleen Mielke has transcription information for Tripolis Cemetery in Kandiyohi County and is offering lookups.  Contact her thorough the Web site at: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~coleen/

Arctander Township

Church of God - Owned by Church of God, Willmar, Minnesota. First burial in 1904 with 33 to date. Section 23

East Norway Lake Lutheran - Owned by East Norway Lake Lutheran Church. Organized in 1875. First burial in 1875 with 435 to date. Section 13

Nannestad - Nannestad (Hauge) Church was organized in 1879 on this site but is no longer there. First burial (Andrus Rustad) was in 1870 on the Iver Stene farm, with later burials at this site. Section 14

West Lake Lutheran - Owned by West Lake Cemetery Association. Established in 1904 with the first burial with 126 burials to date. Section 16

Burbank Township

Burbank - Section 31

Crow River Lutheran - Owned by Crow River Lutheran Church. Organized in 1861 as the Monongalia Congregation. First burial in 1862 with 1000 to date. Section 7

Gausdal - Owned by Gausdal Lutheran Church. First burial was of Sigri Iverson in 1891. Approximately 177 burials to date. Section 10

Colfax Township

Colfax - Owned by Colfax Cemetery Association. First burial in 1877 (Mrs. Christine Peterson). 213 burials to date. Section 28

Dovre Township

Eagle Lake - Owned by Eagle Lake Lutheran Church and Bethesda Homes, Inc. First burial in 1869 (Frank Peterson) with 350 burials. Section 25

Endresen - This is the burial site of Guri Endresen's husband and son located near the Endresen Cabin. Section 19

Long Lake - This is a private cemetery, called Loyalty Association of Long Lake. Established in 1879 with approximately 150 burials. Section 10

Lundby - Owned by Salem-Lundby Cemetery Association. First burial in 1871 with 182 burials to date. Section 7

Vikor (Solomon Lake Cemetery) - Ten acres given by the Great Northern RR in 1872 for a church and cemetery. In 1873 each family two logs to be used to build a log church. The present church was built in 1897. First burial, Guri Endresen in 1882. There are 105 burials to date.  Located 5 miles north of Willmar on County Road 5.  Caretaker is Linda Swalin (320) 796-6535Section 21

East Lake Lillian Township

East Lake Lillian Community Burial Ground - This was the first burial ground in the Lake Lillian community and a child of the T.T. Signal family was buried there in 1865. Use was discontinued in 1870 with 15 burials in all. The land is now used for agriculture. Section 5

Lake Lillian Baptist - Owned by Lake Lillian Baptist Church. First burial 1891 with 200 burials to date. Section 9

Lake Lillian United Methodist - The first name of this cemetery was Lakeside because of its proximity to Lake Lillian. The land was donated by Hemming Anderson in 1890 with 110 burials. Section 5

Marshal Family - Site presently owned by land owner. First burial in 1875, discontinued in 1938 with 4 or 5 burials. The Marshal family came from New York state. Section 7

Edwards Township

Fairview - Owned by the City of Raymond, MN. First burial approx. 1900 with burials to the present. Section 20

St. Johns Lutheran - Section 7

Fahlun Township

Bethesda Evangelical - This cemetery site was donated by Halvor Halverson in 1886. There are 10-12 graves and the last known burial was in 1920. Section 19

Oak Hill - Owned by an association of families with burials in this cemetery. The first burial was in 1879 and there are 26 burials to date.  Abandoned.  Section 5.

Swedish Mission - NE Corner of SW Quarter of Section 19.  Abandoned.

Gennessee Township

Synod - Owned by Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Atwater, MN. The first burial was in 1877 and there approximately 100 burials to date. Section 12

Throndhejm - Owned by Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Atwater, MN. This cemetery is located in Acton Township, Meeker county and was established in 1869 with about 100 burials. Section 7

Union (Atwater) - Owned by families with burials on the site. First burial in 1872 with about 2000 to date. Located about one and a half miles south of the town of Atwater, Minnesota. Section 1

Green Lake Township

Green Lake Lutheran - Owned by Green Lake Cemetery Cemetery Association. The first burial was in 1897 and there are about 300 burials to date,  Green Lake was formerly known as Lake Elizabeth, named for Elizabeth Kouts Holes, the GG Grandmother of Todd Holes.  Section 15

St. Patrick's - Owned by St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Kandiyohi, MN. The first burials were in the 1880's. Section 33
Cemetery Records Online - St. Patrick's Catholic Cemetery

Spicer City - Owned by City of Spicer with first burials about 1900. Section 4

Spicer Family - Owned by Spicer family and adjoins city cemetery. Section 4

Harrison Township

Oakside - First burial in 1870 and owned by the Oakside Cemetery Association with 300 burials. Section 9

St. John's Evangelical Lutheran - Owned by St. John's Church, with first burial in 1876 and 340 burials to date. Section 25

Holland Township

Holland Township - Owned by the township with the first burial in 1892 with 200 to date. Section 27

Irving Township

Free Christians - Independent ownership with first burial in 1895...144 burials. Section 11

Nordland - Owned by Nordland Lutheran Church. First burial in 1868 with 500 burials to date. Section 11

Zion Lutheran - Owned by Zion Irving Lutheran Church of Hawick. First burial in 1905, approximately 197 burials to date. Section 3

Lake Andrew Township

Lake Andrew - Abandoned. Section 12

Lake Florida Mission - Owned by the Lake Florida Church Association. First burial in 1870 with 200 burials to date. This was originally the church of Swedish pioneers. Section 21

Kandiyohi Township

Cloverleaf Memorial - Owned by families of those interred. First burial in 1949 with 800 burials. Section 7

Ebenezer - Owned by Ebenezer Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church, Kandiyohi, MN. With 120 burials, this cemetery was established in 1911. Section 3

Oak Park - Owned by Oak park Methodist Cemetery Association. The first burial was in the 1870's and there are about 250 burials. Section 33

Tripolis Evangelical Lutheran - Owned by Tripolis Evangelical Lutheran Church. First burials about 1869 with 650 burials. Section 27
**for look-up information for the Tripolis Lutheran Church Cemetery, contact: Coleen Mielke

Lake Elizabeth Township

Lake Elizabeth - Owned by First Baptist Church, Atwater, MN. First burial in 1880 with 143 burials.  Lake Elizabeth is now known as Green Lake.   Lake Elizabeth was named for Elizabeth Kouts Holes, the GG Grandmother of Todd Holes. Section 17

Oak Grove - Owned by Oak Grove Cemetery Assn. with first burials in 1870's with 50 burials by 1943. It is no longer in use. Originally this cemetery was known as Norwegian-Danish Methodist Church and Cemetery of Lake Elizabeth. Sec 1

Pioneer Union - This cemetery is no longer in use. First burial was in 1869 with 75 burials. Section 30

Lake Lillian Township

Christina - Owned by First Lutheran Church of Lake Lillian, MN. First burial before 1886 and last in 1977 with about 150 burials. Section 21

Evergreen - When this cemetery was established it was owned by the Free Baptist Church. First burial was in 1908 with about 108 to date. Section 7

Lake Lillian - Owned by the community of Lake Lillian, MN. First burial in 1940 with 200 graves. Section 13

Tromso - Owned by Grace Lutheran Church of Lake Lillian, MN. First burial was in 1886 and there are approximately 150 burials to date. Section 1

Mamre Township

Mamrelund Lutheran - Owned by Mamrelund Evangelical Lutheran Church of Pennock. First burial in 1874 with 275 burials to date. Section 23
Steve Krahn transcribed burials and lot ownerships from a map of the cemetery itself.  It is at http://www.cpinternet.com/~millcity/hultgren/mamrlnd.htm

Salem Covenant - Owned by Salem-Lundby Cemeteries Association. First burial was in 1871. Records begin in 1900 and records exist for 268 burials. Section 17

New London Township

Our Lady of the Lake - Owned by Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Spicer, Minnesota. Section 21

Lebanon - Owned by Lebanon Church, New London, Minnesota. First burial was in the 1860's with approximately 600 burials. Many pioneers killed in the Indian Outbreak in 1862 are buried in the Lebanon Cemetery.

Oak Hill - Owned by Oak Hill Cemetery Association. First burials in 1872 with approximately 816 to date. Section 10

Norway Lake Township

Stockholm - A family burial site. First burial in 1870, none since 1941 with 18 burials at this site. Section 6

Sunburg Lutheran Free - Owned by Sunburg Lutheran Free Church. First burials in 1875. Approximately 225 burials to date. Section 17

West Norway Lake Cemetery - Owned by Hope Lutheran Church, Sunburg, Minnesota. This cemetery was established in 1875, but records show burials beginning in 1870. Section 32

Roseland Township

Blomkest Baptist - Owned by Blomkest Baptist Church. First burials in 1895. Section 1

Reformed Church - Owned by Reformed Church of Roseland. First burials in 1894 with 210 to date. Section 17

Roseville Township

Grove Emanuel - First burial in 1885. This cemetery was first church owned, however the church no longer exits. There are approximately 120 burials. Section 1

Roseville - Owned by Roseville Cemetery Association. First burials in 1867 with 200 burials to date. Section 28

St. Anthony - Catholic cemetery. Section 5

St. Johns Lutheran - Owned by St. Johns Lutheran Church of Pennock, Minnesota. First burials in 1887 with about 230 burials to date. Originally, St. Johns Cemetery was located in Section 5, Willmar Township but was discontinued when St. Johns Lutheran Church was established at current site. Section 12

Whitefield Township

Hardanger - Originally owned by Hardanger Evangelical Lutheran Church. The church was discontinued in 1906. First burial in 1870 with 24 burials on site.  Abandoned.  Section 27

Svea - Owned by Svea Evangelical Lutheran Church of Svea, Minnesota. First burial in 1870 with about 610 burials to date. Section 25

Willmar Township

Bethel - Owned by Bethel Lutheran Church, Willmar, Minnesota. First burials in 1923 with 150 to date. Section 22

Calvary - Owned by Calvary Lutheran Church of Willmar, Minnesota. This cemetery was begun in 1875 with the first burial that year. Approximately 1000 burials to date. Section 16

Fairview - Established in 1880 and owned by persons owning burial spaces. About 3800 burials. Section 9

Oak Knoll - West of Highway 71 and County Road 90 immediately south of its juncture at Swan Lake.  Section 1

"The Willmar State Hospital Cemetery, now known as Oak Knoll Cemetery, has served Willmar State Hospital for many years--since December of 1926 at which time one, Alma Marsh, was buried.  The services have continued until the most recent interment in June of 1973, a Mr. Victor Berdan.  Now to think back, the Willmar State Hospital was established in 1907, when the property of N. Tallman was acquired for the establishment of an inebriate residential farm.  First patients came to Willmar State Hospital in December of 1912.  In 1917, it was adjusted to include the services for the mentally ill.  In examining history, it shows that there were several smaller parcels of land purchased.  The land that we are most interested in is that west of now Highway 71 and County Road 90 immediately south of its juncture at Swan Lake.  It is my understanding that about 1923 a Mr. Sampson was manager of the farming functions here at Willmar State Hospital.  Either by formal training or by avocation, he was a surveyor.  Records show that he re-surveyed the land of all of the State Hospital properties.  More specifically, he laid out on a formal basis what is currently the Oak Knoll Cemetery establishing plots in units of 10 with the appropriate dividers and cart ways.  The cemetery itself overlooks Swan Lake and the area is quite grassy with a pleasant oak grove.  The cemetery was divided into an area primarily for those of the Catholic faith and the balance for Protestant faith in general.  Thus far, 675 lots have been used in the Protestant area and 194 in the Catholic area, constituting a total of 869 burial sites.  The cemetery itself was expanded in about 1962 for the third addition.  The current usage of the cemetery is held in abeyance even though space still does exist.  It is a contemporary philosophy that families and counties are responsible for the disposition of the deceased.  Public funds and contractual arrangements for funeral arrangements are quite common now and we have not had a burial here since June of 1973.  The presumption is that in the event of a devastating economic situation, we might be called upon to continue its use.

Hospital farming was ceased in the early 1960's.  Land was deeded to the City of Willmar on the north of the campus itself.  To the west side of Highway 71, the title to the farm land, with the exception of the cemetery properties, was transferred to the Department of Transportation, ostensibly for a rest area for the highway system and possibly a roadside park arrangement overlooking Swan Lake.  The cemetery is owned by the State of Minnesota.  First burial in December 1926 with about 869 to date."
---Written by Lester E. Johnson, Willmar State Hospital, January 1979.

I have a copy of a list (from the Willmar library) of names of people buried in the Oak Knoll Cemetery.  The list basically gives names and grave numbers.  Only a couple of names have dates.

E-mail me if you would like a lookup to check the list for a name.  Use the following e-mail address(es):

Generally in the summer and specifically--June through MOST of August 2003:  colorado@willmar.com

During the rest of the year:  cjohnson578@juno.com.

---Cheryl Johnson cejohnson1947@yahoo.com

St. John's East - First burial in 1869. There are about 50 graves. Abandoned. Section 5

St. Mary's Catholic - Owned by St. Mary's Catholic Church of Willmar. First burial in 1883 with approximately 520 burials to date. Section 22

Vinje - Owned by Vinje Lutheran Church, Willmar, Minnesota. This cemetery was established in 1874 and there are approximately 450 burials. Section 15

Other Cemeteries

Bethlehem - Atwater Area

Monson Lake Lutheran - Sunburg Area

South Lake Johanna Lutheran - Sunburg Area

Lundby - Willmar Area

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